Monday, August 07, 2006

Our new car! ...and our road trip in it - July 28-29th

It's been over a year and a half since we gave up the Mercedes (sob!) and came to the US, determined not to have a car. We lasted a long time, but now with the baby on the way, we decided it was now an unfortunate necessity. So, we've thrown our hat in the ring and got a car that will easily carry the enormous amount of baby stuff which we have somehow already accumulated (and the baby is still 3 months away!).

Here it is - we actually really enjoy it. I think you become accustomed when you don't have something, but then appreciate it more when you do. We were never really inconvenienced without a car - we are close to shops and the Metro, so getting around was always easy, and it felt good doing our bit for the environment. But this allows us to get farther afield, which is quite refreshing when you live in a city.

So, on our first day as new car owners, we took it on a proper Sunday drive, up to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This place puts Manassas to the height of the Civil War, over 50,000 people troops perished here. This is also where President Abraham Lincoln did his infamous 'Gettysburg Address'.
There are just rolling hills and fields as far as you can see, and monuments erected form each state, depicting which regiments died where. It was sombering, to say the least.
Afterwards, we headed about 10 miles outside of Gettysburg to the Adams County Winery, where we plunked ourselves under the shade of the vineyard and had a picnic. And of course did a little wine tasting and purchasing while we were there (it would have been rude not to!).

We also visited a cool place called the Round Barn Farm, and I'm sure you can guess why it's called that...! They have a lovely little farm shop there, where we got some freshly picked fruits and veggies.
John got a photo of the newly born baby goats (too cute!).

So, we both love the car and know it will be enjoyed for the next few years (and covered in baby spit-up) - ah, what we have to look forward to!!


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